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Property Management Blog

Blog Post or /images/blog/scott-webb-1ddol8rgUH8-unsplash (1).jpg contains '.webp' A Guide to Evaluating & Purchasing Rental Properties

A Guide to Evaluating & Purchasing Rental Properties

When you’re considering investing in Lehigh Valley real estate, there is so much to know. From rental property evaluations, budgeting, and estimating to officially buying property, trying to navigate the journey on your own could be daunting. What you need is a checklist an...
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Blog Post or /images/blog/stellrweb-djb1whucfBY-unsplash (1).jpg contains '.webp' 9 Ways to Reduce Rental Property Operational Expenses

9 Ways to Reduce Rental Property Operational Expenses

As a Lehigh Valley rental property investor, you’re always looking for new ways to improve NOI. And while adding revenue streams to your process or improving property value are great methods for seeing returns, you can also be looking to reduce expenses as a way to increase...
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Blog Post or /images/blog/scott-graham-OQMZwNd3ThU-unsplash (2).jpg contains '.webp' How to Develop a Full-Proof Resident Pre-Screening Process

How to Develop a Full-Proof Resident Pre-Screening Process

When you own Lehigh Valley rental property, you’ll be keen to find full-proof processes for everything. From vetting seasonal contractors to collecting rent payments, having a robust strategy and well-organized plan will help ensure you don’t overlook a single be...
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Blog Post or /images/blog/jonas-leupe-8pCtwj37VB4-unsplash.jpg contains '.webp' Resident Communication: 10 Reasons to Improve Your Strategy

Resident Communication: 10 Reasons to Improve Your Strategy

As a rental property owner in the Lehigh Valley, your primary goal might be to secure new residents and get those leases signed. Once the agreements are in place, you might feel a sense of security about no longer having a vacancy to manage. But once the occupants have taken...
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Blog Post or /images/blog/axelw.jpeg contains '.webp' 6 Mistakes First-Year Rental Property Investors Make

6 Mistakes First-Year Rental Property Investors Make

With all the first-year rental investor nuggets of advice out there, it can be overwhelming. You’ll try to adhere to best practices and apply every suggestion you can to improve NOI and your ownership experience. But there are also some common first-time mistakes to avoid. ...
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Blog Post or /images/blog/How to Tap Into Your Community Assets to Promote Your Rental Property.jpeg contains '.webp' How to Tap Into Your Community Assets to Promote Your Rental Property

How to Tap Into Your Community Assets to Promote Your Rental Property

When you’re marketing your rental property vacancy in an attempt to attract new residents, you’ll obviously want to list the details and amenities your property has to offer. But there are other things residents will consider before moving. And it’s those other ...
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Blog Post or /images/blog/unnamed_3.jpeg contains '.webp' 6 Genius Ways to Improve Your Rental Property's Value

6 Genius Ways to Improve Your Rental Property's Value

It’s probably fair to say that not everyone who owns rental property has the extensive budget to do all the big updates and remodels they’d like. But you can make significant improvements to your property’s value if you get smart about budgeting and take so...
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Blog Post or /images/blog/unnamed_2.jpeg contains '.webp' Rental Property Marketing: 8 Tips for New Investors

Rental Property Marketing: 8 Tips for New Investors

When new rental property investors first start out, they often overlook one key aspect of the business. Marketing your rental property can be challenging if you’re new to investing or feel overwhelmed by all the buzz-word tips and tricks out there about how to be effec...
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Showing 21- 30 of 38